Musicals On Line

for Musical Theatre lovers!

In the Heights - Critic


poster manila musical


Outstanding In the Heights in Manila

I’m still recovering from what I saw a while ago. Totally world class top performance from Atlantis Productions in Manila.

My expectations were very high to be sincere, because I know Atlantis puts a lot of money in their productions. So I was very curious to watch my first Atlantis performance.  Some friends told me they are not always as good and I said, ok, let’s not expect 100%.

And wow, my mind was blown from minute one!

I didn’t know the play or the music. So that’s a little of a handicap in order to enjoy more a musical I think. It’s better when you are kind of familiar with the music, like a concert, so you kind of sing along. Right?

I had the idea that it was going to be a salsa musical or something super latin-american music. But it’s very very Broadway tho.

You have rap and latin dancing and music and then great musical ballads.

It’s a pity that the web doesn’t have a presentation of the talents and the program was quite expensive. There were such talented artists there. Not one left out!

Researching the net I find that many of them are already TV stars. Well they certainly can be considered theater stars as well from know on. I’m a musical theater fan since I was born and this is totally awesome.

Congrats to the musical director Ceejay Javier and scene director Bobby Garcia. Sounds and looks fantastic. Took care of every detail.


By Kuya Manzano, March 2012.