Musicals On Line

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Les Miserables - - The songs

Act I
Song Performer(s)
01 "Prologue: Work Song" Chain Gang, Javert, and Valjean
02 "Prologue: On Parole" Valjean, Farmer, Labourer, Innkeeper's Wife, Innkeeper, and Bishop of Digne
03 "Prologue: Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven" Policemen and Bishop of Digne
04 "Prologue: What Have I Done?" Valjean
05 "At the End of the Day" Poor, Foreman, Workers, Factory Girls, Fantine, and Valjean
06 "I Dreamed a Dream" Fantine
07 "Lovely Ladies" Sailors, Old Woman, Fantine, Crone, Whores, and Pimp
08 "Fantine's Arrest" Bamatabois, Fantine, Javert, and Valjean
09 "'The Runaway Cart" Townspeople, Valjean, Fauchelevant, and Javert
10 "Who Am I? / The Trial" Valjean
11 "Fantine's Death: Come to Me" Fantine and Valjean
12 "The Confrontation" Javert and Valjean
13 "Castle on a Cloud" Young Cosette and Madame Thénardier
14 "Master of the House" Thénardier, Madame Thénardier, and Customers
15 "The Bargain / The Thénardier Waltz of Treachery" Thénardier, Valjean, Madame Thénardier, and Young Cosette
16 "Look Down" Gavroche, Beggars, Old Woman, Prostitute, Pimp, Enjolras, and Marius
17 "The Robbery" Thénardier, Madame Thénardier, Marius, Éponine, and Valjean
18 "Javert's Intervention" Javert and Thénardier
19 "Stars" Javert and Gavroche
20 "Éponine's Errand" Éponine and Marius
21 "ABC Café / Red and Black" Students, Enjolras, Marius, Grantaire, and Gavroche
22 "Do You Hear the People Sing?" Enjolras, Students, and Beggars
23 "Rue Plumet – In My Life" Cosette, Valjean, Marius, and Éponine
24 "A Heart Full of Love" Marius, Cosette, and Éponine
25 "The Attack on the Rue Plumet" Thénardier, Thieves, Éponine, Marius, Valjean, and Cosette
26 "One Day More" Valjean, Marius, Cosette, Éponine, Enjolras, Javert, Thénardier, Madame Thénardier, Gavroche, and Company
Act II
Song Performer(s)
27 "At the Barricade (Upon These Stones)" Enjolras, Javert, Marius, Éponine, and Valjean
28 "On My Own" Éponine
29 "Building the Barricade (Upon These Stones)" Enjolras, Students, and Army Officer
30 "Javert's Arrival" Javert and Enjolras
31 "Little People" Gavroche, Students, Enjolras, and Javert
32 "A Little Fall of Rain" Éponine and Marius
33 "Night of Anguish" Enjolras, Marius, Valjean, and Students
34 "The First Attack" Enjolras, Students, Valjean, and Javert
35 "Drink with Me" Grantaire, Students, Women, and Marius
36 "Bring Him Home" Valjean
37 "Dawn of Anguish" Enjolras and Students
38 "The Second Attack (Death of Gavroche)" Gavroche, Enjolras, Marius, Valjean, Feuilly, and Students
39 "The Final Battle" Army Officer, Enjolras, and Students
40 "Dog Eats Dog (The Sewers)" Thénardier
41 "Javert's Suicide" Javert and Valjean
42 "Turning" Women of Paris
43 "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" Marius
44 "Every Day" Marius, Cosette, and Valjean
45 "Valjean's Confession" Marius and Valjean
46 "Wedding Chorale" Guests, Thénardier, Marius, Madame Thénardier, and Cosette
47 "Beggars at the Feast" Thénardier and Madame Thénardier
48 "Valjean's Death" Valjean, Fantine, Cosette, Marius, and Éponine
49 "Finale" Full Company