Let’s talk Funny Girl, show closures, mask policies, and of course…The 75th Annual Tony Awards // Go to https://expressvpn.com/KATSTEELE and find out how you can get 3 months of ExpressVPN free! OPEN ME
Originally, this was going to be a video breaking down the 75th Annual Tony Award performances, what I liked, what I had some *big* problems with (and we’ll still do that a little later in the video) But first, I want to discuss the updates, consequences, and announcements that we’ve gotten from #Broadway — SINCE the night of the Tony Awards. We’ve got a lot to discuss, so let’s jump into it!
Also! Let me know what kind of videos you’re loving on Youtube lately / video requests! It can be #Musical Theatre related or not! (Oh, and let me know if we want to discuss the Funny Girl Beanie Feldstein Lea Michele situation)
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String Light Curtain from my studio- under $20!
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My fave perfume (the one I wore to Beetlejuice lol)
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I’m always seeing comments for theatre recs & which shows to check out next, so here are a bunch of my faves!
Broadway Musicals You Should Listen To Right Now // Cast Recording Recommendations!!
The BEST Musical Theatre SOLO Songs
Broadway Revivals we need RIGHT NOW
Broadway Songs that RUINED my Life
10 BEST Musical Theatre Songs
Here’s a whole PLAYLIST of shows to check out!
Main Channel: Katherine Steele
Instagram: @Kath_Steele
Twitter: @Kath_Steele
Facebook: @TheatreThursdayFam
HI my name is Katherine Steele and I really like musical theatre! On this channel you’ll find Broadway musical reviews, analysis on your favorite shows, first reactions to brand new ones, countdown lists for theatre fans, and tons of big-sister advice!
FTC: Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring today’s video. Some links may be affiliate ♡
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