Which Broadway Show is THE BEST? | March Musical Madness 4

It’s time to see who will be named victor of MARCH MUSICAL MADNESS, 2023! PrettyLitter helps keep my cat healthy and keeps odors down. Save 20% on your first order today at https://prettylitter.com/katsteele 🐈🐈‍⬛ 🌻 OPEN ME 🌻

The time has come yet again, for our yearly March Musical Madness championship. You know the drill— 16 musicals will compete head to head, being eliminated in different rounds, until only one show remains— making them March Musical Madness winner (aka Victor # 4) of 2023.

This is our 4th annual bracket, check out ones from prior years!

2021 Video

2020 Video


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I’m always seeing comments for theatre recs & which shows to check out next, so here are a bunch of my faves!

Broadway Musicals You Should Listen To Right Now // Cast Recording Recommendations!!

Broadway Songs that RUINED my Life

10 BEST Musical Theatre Songs

Here’s a whole PLAYLIST of shows to check out!


🎭 Main Channel: Katherine Steele

🎉 Vlog Channel: Party at Kat’s

💅🏻 Instagram: @Kath_Steele

⏰ Tiktok: @Kath_Steele


HI my name is Katherine Steele and I really like musical theatre! On this channel you’ll find Broadway musical reviews, analysis on your favorite shows, first reactions to brand new ones, countdown lists for theatre fans, and tons of big-sister advice!

FTC: Thank you to Pretty Litter for sponsoring this video! Some links may be affiliate ♡

💌 BRANDS & COMPANIES: If you’re interested in working with me, please email contact@tablerockmanagement.com