Employ Me! Auditioning For Musical Theatre – Your Tune

Musical-Theatre-Audition. How to make it sing.

I have endured hundreds of musical theatre auditions for community theatre productions, either as a manufacturer, director, or impresario. I can tell you that for amateur entertainers there is a marked delineation between the auditioners who have actually had skilled teaching and those who have actually either not benefited from driving lessons, or who have actually had bad teachers. This is real for all 3 elements of the musical theatre audition: singing, dancing, and acting.

Musical-Theatre-Audition. How to make it sing.

The thing about lessons, particularly for singers, is that your instructor will certainly assist you to discover a song that is suitable for your voice. This is an important service that they offer, bringing their more comprehensive variety of understanding to serve their customer. Your vocal teacher will easily research a piece for you that you can master, and they will certainly help you to master it prior to your audition.

Right here are three suggestions that will assist you to tune up your audition:

Select musical theatre pieces. This sounds basic, however too numerous times, I endure an audition that is lacklustre due to the fact that the star picks a pop music. I would quite truthfully rather hear a truly competent rendition of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ than “Hey Jude” any day. And I like The Beatles, but without the backup vocals and instrumentation behind it, the tune is not really large ranging or captivating.
Play it safe. Auditions are not the location to try to strike that high ‘C’ unless you have definitely no difficulty striking it each day. You desire to reveal your ability, however unless you are particular of every single note in a song, then you have to choose something else that you can strike each time.
Bring it to life. Think about your tune as musical monologue and put something of a character into it. Your goal is to reveal the director that you can offer a song: so sell it!

Keep in mind that the function of an audition is to display what you can do best. So prepare, prepare, and prepare. Request for help, request tips, use your instructors, your good friends, your fellow actors and get some goal, positive insight before you get to your audition.

Anne Marie Mortensen is a theatre manufacturer, director and coach in Kingston Ontario. Her company partnership, Bottle Tree Productions, is the Company in Residence at the Wellington Street Theatre.
Bottle Tree Productions
The Wellington Street Theatre

In June 2012, Regan Starr got a job at the piano business Steinway & Sons.

In his task application, Regan included this video.

Discover the rest of his story at http://ReganStarr.com

My name is Regan Starr
A Steinway fan and knowledgeable musician
I composed this tune for you
Consider it a task audition
You are the extremely best
No person can match your craft and fine way
I want to join your group
Hire me, Steinway

I love your Etude app
And still I see a lot capacity
It’s time to make it excellent
I have the skills and swell credentials
So now, let’s chase this dream
We’ll alter the world the clever design way
However initially, I need a possibility
Hire me, Steinway

Have a look at my blog site, my résumé too
Then let’s established an interview
And when we talk, you’ll understand for sure
That I’m the man you’re searching for
Then dreams become a reality. It’s all when you
Employ me, Steinway
Video Score: 5/ 5