“What do you mean it’s hiphop?” For the Les Miserables Auditions for Hamilton, it was all Ramin Karimloo had to say. Obviously he’s amused at seeing the Les Miserables cast try it out for Hamilton. Well, it’s the best way they can express their way of welcoming their new next door neighbor to the Great White Way.

The Hamilton fever is indeed on. And it revealed talents in Broadway that served as pleasant surprises. While Hamilton’s creator Lin Manuel Miranda has proved that hip hop has a place in Broadway. The hiphop bug turned out to be more prevalent among musical theater actors than initially expected. Like seriously. The musical theater community was so elated at seeing Hamilton The Musical to debut on Broadway. It even unleashed the rhymes at the Les Miserables Auditions for Hamilton clip.
It helped a lot that it contained inside jokes. Fantine (played by Erika Henningsen) mentioned that she’d only be on Act 1. She dies before Act 1 closes. (Sorry for those who haven’t seen Les Mis yet. Then again, that’s a 25-year-old spoiler for you) She’s rhyming with Cosette (played by Samantha Hill). The adult version of Cosette. Cosette on the other hand is available before Act 2. So the Les Miserables Audition for Hamilton made it obvious. Fantine offered to appear after Act 1 of Les Mis. And she presented Cosette to appear before Act 2. They obviously knew there are some French reinforcements in Hamilton.

Cosette (again played by Samantha Hill) had her moment to bust the rhymes too. And it turned out cute. But her soprano voice seemed to betray her. She’s very beautiful in that ball gown. The feathers on her cap even made her lovelier. It would be interesting to see how that lyric soprano voice would fit the hiphop vibe on Hamilton The Musical. The Les Miserables Auditions for Hamilton found one thing in common as Broadway hits. The Revolution! And obviously the Broadway cast of Les Miserables knew that hiphop is the music of the revolution.
The Thenardiers (played by Gavin Lee and Rachel Izen) tried their luck in rapping too. Madame Thenardier started with “Master of the House. Isn’t worth my spit” Complete with hand gestures then she skipped to “shit”. As if she lost the lines in the shuffle. Thenardier did better. The Snoop Dogg influence was evident in the way he pronounced “Thenardier”.
Eponine (played by Brennyn Lark) was with Marius (played by Chris McCarrell). They bust out some rhymes of their own. It’s mostly about margarita rimmed with salt. An ideal ice breaker when hitting the club. Then again, the club is one of the best ways to internalize cool rhymes. The Les Miserables Auditions for Hamilton revealed talent beyond belief. Don’t you just like it how Hamilton The Musical has changed the game?

Wallace Smith and his crew were more than happy to share their beats for the Les Miserables Audition for Hamilton. Not too fast. Not too slow. Just audible enough to even make the Les Mis fanbase understand the lines. Wallace also used this opportunity to declare his love for fruity pebbles. It would immediately remind you of the candy shop. And everyone is free to interpret what candy shop some hiphop songs are referring to.
Overall, the Les Miserables Auditions for Hamilton was an amazing way for the Les Miserables cast to welcome Hamilton The Musical to the Great While Way. Welcome to the ‘hood. And you would be more than welcome to see both musicals while they’re still on Broadway. Click here to buy tickets for Les Miserables. And click here to buy tickets for Hamilton The Musical. For every one that just can’t get over this interesting crossover, see the video for yourself. (Clip from Les Miserables Broadway YouTube Channel)
The Great White Way is packed with surprises like the Les Miserables Auditions for Hamilton. And it shows the bottomless talent that veterans from the musical theater community possess. In this vein, it is highly recommended that you subscribe to our newsletter. Get the latest articles sent to your inbox. Follow us on our social media accounts as well. Like our official Facebook page, Musicals Online. And follow us on our Twitter account @musicalsnews. Thanks for reading.