Some individuals would be pressed to give a list of 10 reasons why it rocks to be a musical theater performer. Interest in musical theater is increasing with the upcoming live Broadway version of Disney’s “Frozen”. Also, Disney’s Broadway arm has been making the rounds. With new careers in musical theater now popping up. What other reasons can finally convince aspirants? Here is a list of 10 reasons why it rocks to be a musical theater performer.

10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Ten. Working with different people meant learning different approaches to performing.
Everyone was initially sad upon learning that Rachelle Ann Go got out of the West End run of Miss Saigon. Later it was announced that she is the new Fantine for the West End run of Les Miserables. This opened an opportunity for Les Miserables to be performed in her home country, the Philippines. Working with a different cast meant learning new things. It also meant discovering new approaches to handle your participation even if it meant staying in the same musical. That was what happened to Jon Jon Briones. He was in the original West End run of Miss Saigon. When he returned to Miss Saigon, he’s now The Engineer. The evolution theory gets a new spin in musical theater because of Briones.
10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Nine. Singing and dancing are included in the package.
Musical theater meant showing ALL of your talents. With musical productions getting a Hollywood adaptation and vice versa. It serves as an opportunity for talented individuals to showcase the rest of their talents. The dancing aspect of musical theater was given a professional approach. By some ballet-trained dancers in the Australia run of the hit musical Chicago. It meant good news for aspirants with advanced/professional training in musical theater dance routines.
10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Eight. There are no small roles. Only small actors.
Everyone participating in a high profile musical meant attaining the status of “the chosen few”. Going back to the dancers of the Australia run of Chicago. One of their dancers have become the dance captain. Flexibility in musical theater can mean being the dance captain of Chicago. And playing the role of the Hungarian prisoner at the same time. Other productions of Chicago have displayed different versions of cast flexibility too. That’s the kind of talent musical theater performers can muster right off the bat.

10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Seven. The opportunity to sing with a straight face no matter how hilarious the lyrics could get
One of the funniest scripts ever written was “They’re Playing Our Song”. Sometimes the ultimate litmus test in acting is. By not laughing in the middle of rehearsal. Scripts like these serve as a welcome challenge to actors and actresses. They need to dish out a believable performance by avoiding to laugh at the script’s own jokes. Participate in a musical production with raunchier lyrics like that of Avenue Q. And the stakes go higher. Singing “It Sucks To Be Me” with a straight face? Challenge accepted.
10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Six. Budget is less of a problem compared to the performance.
Not that budget is not a concern. But you need to make do with what you have. Theater start-ups have several stories when it comes to balancing funding and the performance at hand. One of the founders of Repertory Philippines, Ms. Baby Barredo, shared how their theater company survived budget constraints, floods and an audience of 5 people. There is an audience. So the show must go on. You’d be amazed at how great performances secured better opportunities for the Rep. Very inspirational for aspiring theater start-ups too.
10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Five. You can sense what the audience wanted as an actor and a producer.
This is somewhat related to the previous point about checking the audience. It may involve a bigger audience though. Especially when time and money is spent well on marketing. But some actors use the time spent on stage to check on the audience too. Does the audience care about what’s going on stage? Do they react at scenes where they are supposed to act? No other reaction can motivate theater professionals better than a full house that went on standing ovation at the end of the musical. Good for the ego and good for the business.

10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Four. You learn how to set goals.
Because deadlines. Practice goes on for 2 to 3 times a week months prior to opening night. Frequency of practice sessions a week depends on your stage director. You learn to come on time. You learn to show up for the rehearsals. The amount of time spent on preparation will show on opening night itself. Other goals that you need to achieve are selling tickets. Marketing your musical and getting as many contacts as you needed help too. All connected with the goal of packing opening night to the rafters. Set a goal. Set the tactics that comprise of a goal. Soon, you are deeply involved in the business side of musical theater.
10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Three. You learn the art of looking calm because it’s partly true.
Feeling nervous is normal for people. It also applies to musical theater professionals. But it is not obvious because you are warming up your throat for the song numbers. Or you’re stretching to get the dance routines right. In some cases, push-up routines happen in dressing rooms. Everyone learns a routine of managing their nerves without losing sight of the performance within minutes. The simplest habit some musical theater performers learn though is not forgetting how to breathe. Now you understand why your voice teacher puts an emphasis on breathing routines.
10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
Two. You learn how to react when your co-actor forgot his/her lines.
You are nervous. But it is not obvious. Not even to your co-actor who forgot his line. Not because he forgot his line. You would just stand there and wait for him to remember. No. Say something that would trigger him to remember. You say something that would not embarrass your co-actor. Paraphrasing and adlibbing could be allowable in these instances. But you learn how to keep the performance going without embarrassing you and your fellow performers. It’s all about knowing what to do on the fly. That explained best why a certain hit musical is entitled “Anything Goes”.

10 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Musical Theater Performer
One. You get to sing and dance in the middle of war or disasters.
Singing and dancing does not take away the horrors of war and disasters presented in the musical. You may have realized that at this point in our list of 10 reasons why it rocks to be a musical theater performer. Singing does not make Sweeney Todd any less of a serial killer. Dance routines and vaudeville acts do not make the impending threat of Nazi’s rise to power any less threatening in Cabaret. Do they make the musicals any less enjoyable? Of course not. Singing and dancing were initially forms of expression in certain prehistoric cultures. The art of expressing emotions through singing and dancing reached professional levels on Broadway and West End. This is why most musical theater performers can relate to Ruby of Dames at Sea. Or better yet, Billy Elliot of Billy Elliot The Musical. Performing becomes an expression as proven in our top reason among 10 reasons why it rocks to be a musical theater performer.
Speaking of Dames at Sea. The previews have officially started. Tickets are up for sale. Click here to view which dates fitted your schedule. Deals regarding group purchases are up for grabs too. Broadway’s biggest little musical will give you further reasons apart from our list of 10 reasons why it rocks to be a musical theater performer.
Discovering new ways to enter and maintain a career in musical theater was an interesting topic to discuss. Any additional pointers you’d like to include in our list of 10 reasons why it rocks to be a musical theater performer? Follow us on our social media accounts to send your comments and feedback. Like our official Facebook page, Musicals Online. And follow us on Twitter @musicalsnews. Thanks for reading.