The controversial and Tony Award-winning musical The Book of Mormon on West End is now on open run. Rumor has it that some of the fans were so enamored with the musical. Repeat viewings have become inevitable.

The merciless parody on one of the major religious denominations in the United States. Now one of the biggest hits on the Prince of Wales Theatre. With The Book of Mormon of West End, more converts (pun intended) are expected to enjoy the production.

The Book of Mormon on West End started its run last 25 February 2013. And it’s still going strong. With an edgy take on religion, it analyzes through parody its effects on the target market specified. The Book of Mormon also served as commentary for its creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker. They noticed how some religious denominations have their own creation story. While in the beginning of the story, it would show its missionaries getting their assignments, the story’s main core zoomed in on 2 missionaries – Elder Price and Elder Cunningham.
Elder Price has high hopes for his mission. He thought that he would be sent to a relatively favorable place like Orlando, Florida. So he may have taken the news of having Elder Cunningham as his partner negatively. Elder Cunningham is presented here as a class goat. So Elder Price thought that much of the work would be coming from him. Worse, the pair got into one of the toughest missions. They were told that they are being sent to Uganda. And Elder Cunningham thought erroneously about The Lion King.
On the other hand, The Book of Mormon displayed how sheltered most of the missionaries. When a pair got assigned to Norway, one of them referred to the country as “The Land of the Nose”. Another pair was seen as “exposed”. When they got assigned to Japan, they referred to it as “Land of Suicides” “and Mothra”. This kind of characterization will be expected on The Book of Mormon on West End. It may be parody. But there is an effort to present the missionaries as human beings with a different orientation to pop culture.

Will it be too late for the missionaries to learn how their belief will be received in Uganda? The British may have a different perspective on religion and critical thinking. But most musical theater fans lapped up the humor on The Book of Mormon on West End. Click here to pick a date favorable to your schedule. Don’t hold back on that laughter. Because surely, everyone else would be laughing their socks off on The Book of Mormon on West End.

With The Book of Mormon on West End, expect yourself seeing it more than once. Coming back with friends and family granted would be great. More updates are bound to come up here at Musicals Online. You just have to subscribe to our online newsletter. So you won’t be left behind in updates. Like our official Facebook page, Musicals Online, and follow us on Twitter @musicalsnews. We will be expecting you. Thanks for reading.